The Isis Knife
The Isis Knife
It is my intent to work with the Ancient Deities of my European Ancestors, and Isis may appear to be an anomaly. She did for me. All the knives that were coming thru me were tied to honoring the Goddesses; of Viking, Picts, Celts, Nordic and Germanic bloodlines. Yet to my distress the wax kept returning to an ankh like form. I pulled, carved, pushed the form in many directions; fingers forming many curves until I knew it could slip thru dimensions (that should have been my clue!) Tho I still resisted the recurring ankh form, picking up and setting aside the wax for at least 6 months. Then I re-membered, Isis has been secreted away, embedded, hidden, yet traveling thru the heart of Christ Consciousness via the Magdalena Orders, and many of my Grandmothers were Christian. The Myth of Osiris and Isis are cyclical prophecies of humanity. Our first human grandmother is African. So if you are drawn to this knife; I will guess Isis has walked with You for lifetimes. You may already be crafting in her multidimensional yet grounded magic.
Isis visited here as a conduit between Sirius and Gaia; transcending the fabric of time and space while in human form. We are so grateful that she continues to participate in this grand experiment with us. This is a tool of manifestation and intention thru the light of your consciousness. She carves the air, soil, sand with luminous grace. Embedded in this tool is are 3 stars, connecting to the Sirius Star system. Ah yes, these mysteries are the threads carried thru the Mary’s , to be held in our sacred hearts today.
The Isis Knife
Guide booklet
Linen pouch
4.25” 2.25”
Recycled bronze
Made in the USA
Please Note: Each knife is handcrafted, anointed, blessed and unique. The patina or finish may vary slightly thru the processes of fires, essential oil, wax and prayer.